Subject Leader within the school is: Mrs Kent and Miss Candish
Reading at Kingsfield
At Kingsfield Primary School, we place great importance on the ability to read. We want every child to be a confident reader who has a love of reading by the time that they leave us to move onto the next stage in their education.
Children begin their reading journey with us in Early Years, where they have daily lessons following the Little Wandle Phonics programme. This continues into Key Stage One where children also follow Little Wandle. This is a systematic, synthetic phonics programme which helps children to learn to read and write. The program focuses on daily listening and attention skills, oral blending, phonematic awareness, prosody, and comprehension.
Daily Reading Lessons in Key Stage Two
As the children move from the Little Wandle programme, they take part in daily reading lessons. Developing reading fluency is a key feature of these lessons and children undertake echo reading, choral reading and paired reading to support their fluency development. These sessions also place great emphasis on high-quality book-talk and discussion to allow children to develop their understanding of a text as well as their understanding of vocabulary and language.
Reading for Pleasure
At Kingsfield, we believe that reading for pleasure should be a fundamental part of childhood and we aim to develop life-long readers. We actively encourage reading for pleasure and have made it a core part of every child's educational entitlement, regardless of background or attainment. Reading is the cornerstone of the English Curriculum at Kingsfield. Our school actively promotes and celebrates a love of reading, e.g. through inviting book corners in each classroom and daily reading for pleasure in class. We have a dedicated library which children can visit in lessons and during their free time. Children have the opportunity to read in school at different times of the day in groups, cohorts and individually. Some of the ways that we promote reading include:
- Sending home quality texts for home reading
- Reading alongside adults within school who promote a love of reading
- Sharing whole books as a class and inviting parents in to join us
- Shared reading with peers
- Author visits
- Celebrating reading events such as World Book Day
- Ensuring high quality texts are available in the school library and in classes
- Ensuring that reading areas are attractive, comfortable and inviting and contain a wide range of books and variety of texts in differing formats
We believe that the encouragement of reading for pleasure in our school will:
- Have a positive impact on attainment in reading and writing
- Improve the children's use and understanding of vocabulary
- Encourage a passion for reading in later life
- Improve a child's self confidence in reading, encouraging them to view themselves as readers.
Little Wandle Guides
Pronunciation Guide Reception One
Pronunciation Guide Reception Two
Pronunciation Guide Phase Three
Pronunciation Guide Phase Five
Little Wandle Reading Journeys
Reception Reading Journey Autumn
Reception Reading Journey Spring
Little Wandle Phonics Screening Guidance