We are currently able to over breakfast and after school provision which we call wraparound care. During these sessions, children undertake a range of activities and are offered light refreshments. Please refer to our policy for further information which can be found here.
If you would like to find out more or indeed book a place, please contact our After School Club at kingsfieldoutofschoolclub@kingsfield.cambs.sch.uk
The breakfast club runs from 7:45am to 8:45am and the after-school provision runs from 3:05pm to 5:45pm.
£4.50 per hour
The staff who work with your children are:
Mrs. Butler
Mrs. Cutting
Mrs. Robinson
Mrs. Morton
Miss. Clark
All members of staff are appropriately trained and work at the school as Teaching Assistants during the day. This means they have a great knowledge of the school and the pupils.